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Re: Florida School Shooting [big kahuna]

You also give your feelings away when you say "necessary social change." Good luck, as well, convincing most folks not in a blue state -- and especially those not in California -- that "necessary social change" should occur as regards guns. It's simply not going to happen in our lifetimes, and I doubt in the lifetimes of our children or grandchildren.

It is happening throughout the the Northeast AND in mid-Atlantic states, AND the left coast, AND many urban areas in otherwise red states. Gun ownership is plummeting in virtually all blue areas, and only holding steady in red areas.The laws will follow those trends. Judging from my facebook feed, these opposing trends are going to accelerate, and will certainly cause major changes by the time my grandkids reach my age. Firearm deaths track gun ownership extremely closely, and twisting and ignoring that fact is frankly alienating most folks in the major population centers of this country.
Last edited by: oldandslow: Feb 16, 18 9:13

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  • Post edited by oldandslow (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 16, 18 9:02
  • Post edited by oldandslow (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 16, 18 9:06
  • Post edited by oldandslow (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 16, 18 9:07
  • Post edited by oldandslow (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 16, 18 9:13