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Re: Guns in Airports [JSA]
JSA wrote:
You are not right. You are talking about volume produced, not number designed.

Assume there were only 10 different gun designs in the world. Assume only 1 was the AK and the rest were range toys. Assume 1 million AKs were made and the other 9 designs only produced 100k combined. Using your logic, most guns were designed to kill. But that isn’t the case. Only 1 gun was designed to kill out of 10. This is the logical fallacy you are attempting to use. You said “designed,” not “manufactured.” That is false.

Here is what i said

Lets add up the target firearms and the killing ones. Which pile is bigger? Based on sheer numbers of guns made.

Im specificically talking about VOLUME. most guns belong to the killing category. Youre talking about different types, im not, and i made that clear when i said to put them into 2 piles, pile all the guns in existence, into 2 piles, kiling, and target guns, which pile is larger?

Not 1 ak7 or 1 m16 ro represent all, i literally mean every fucking gun. Every ak7, every m16, every biathlon gun, every target pistol...etc. one of those two piles is larger. Which is it?

who's smarter than you're? i'm!
Last edited by: veganerd: Oct 26, 17 6:41

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  • Post edited by veganerd (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 26, 17 6:41