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Re: 2017 Slowtwitch Nutritional Reviews: Gatorade Endurance New Formula (Post reviews here) [STConcierge]
Thank you and I'm looking forward to the feedback and comparison to the 'old' Gatorade Endurance. I'd be curious to try it on the course, but will probably play it safe and use what's been working very well for me personally, EFS Pro.

For me, the 'old' Gatorade Endurace was too high in sugars, which affected water absorption for me, causing water to sit/swish in my stomach vs the water being more quickly absorbed; I'd get dry cotton mouth and was thirsty despite drinking more. I don't get this wit EFS drink mix or EFS Pro, or other mixes like Gu Roctane or Clifshot drink mix, the latter two combined with salt tabs to get the sodium+potassium/hour up. I'm finding EFS Pro used on really hot days is good at 240 calories/hour which provides 2,500m sodium+potassium/hour. The new Endurance, at 240 calories per hour, would provide 1,173 sodium+potassium/hour.

Here's a very quick and dirty comparison:

Gatorade Endurance:
(Pot+Sod)/Cal: 4.88
Sug/Cal: 0.144

EFS Pro:
(Pot+Sod)/Cal: 10.41
Sug/Cal: 0.0833

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Last edited by: milesthedog: Sep 6, 17 12:58

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