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Re: Triathlon Bikes in the Age of Peak Aero: here it is ;-) [Slowman]
Slowman wrote:

i think there are 3 salient points that are routinely and repeatedly ignored by the P5X haters:

1. this is a new bike platform that is particularly priced in the halo range. felt behaves the same way with its new bike platforms. just as many bike companies do. it's proof of concept. if you don't want it, fine, cervelo makes really capable bikes at much lower prices. cervelo was always straightforward about what the P5X was and what it wasn't.

2. this platform - like felt's DA, like felt's IA, like many bikes - starts in year-1 at a high price and then descends in price in subsequent years

3. the bike is only built with a marquis groupkit, wheels, aerobars, etc. if you look at other bikes in this bike's competitive set, many are every bit or more expensive.

point 4, which is just now coming up, if you look at josh poertner's comments on wheel and tire width, if you consider this platform, it's much more likely to prove efficacious over time when paired with the aero wheels and tires you're more likely to buy next time you buy them.

you're going to get past this, robert. you're going to survive this. it's going to be okay in the end.

great post Dan. I agree with everything you have said. The reality is the P5X haters will never change their mind. Instead of saying Cervelo is lying, they will shift their attacks to price, looks, etc.

When the new Shiv comes out and has disc brakes, this argument will finally be over. For some of us, it probably won't ever be over.

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Last edited by: BryanD: Jun 30, 17 10:56

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  • Post edited by BryanD (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 30, 17 10:56