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Re: 3 Attacks in London [cartsman]
You keep talking about deporting people. Many or most of the UK terrorists have been British born, with British passports. Where would you deport them to? Cancelling passports for people who go to fight for ISIS abroad is something I could get behind.

You are not going to stop every attack, but I think we have to go on the offensive when there are clear problems. There were thousands of people in the UK, the U.S and Canada who went to Syria and were known to be fighting with ISIS. Those people were then allowed back into the country of origin and the police started "watching" them, it happens in Canada too. In those cases, maybe they are not going to be the ones carrying out the attacks but they may be inspiring others to do it. If those people are so intent on going to fight, and are known by police, let them stay there.

My niece is married to a man from Lebanon and he was telling me about a Mosque outside of Toronto, which he left because of the messages being taught. He said it was going too far in terms of the anti-American (not Canadian) rhetoric. I asked him if he reported it to the police and he said no, it was between Muslims.

If they hate the West so much and are originally from a Muslim country, maybe we can start sending them there. Maybe we have to start identifying those people and think about getting them out before they carry out some of their threats. Also, what about the people who do nothing and sit back and allow this to happen?

I wonder where the breaking point is where people say enough. We are spending a lot of time and money on this but it continues and will continue until something changes. Maybe we have to start looking a little closer at the high risk areas, like the Muslim communities for a solution instead of spending more money and investing time chasing them.
Last edited by: Sanuk: Jun 4, 17 3:56

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  • Post edited by Sanuk (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 4, 17 3:56