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Re: Leaning out after having to gain weight. [Fusion]
Fusion wrote:
Hi there,

So in the past six months I have been gaining weight on purpose because I was underweight (59kg for 1,81m), which trashed my testosterone.
I might have to admit to a small eating disorder. There I've put it out there.

Now as you might imagine, the whole process has been a bit of a struggle to find a balance. One time I find myself not eating enough to support training again, start to panic, next I'm pigging out (on healthy stuff, but still.. calories are calories).
In the past six months I put on about 3-4kg's, which might not seem to much, but it was enough to get my T rising again.

However, I realize, if I keep eating a lot I might keep gaining weight, which is not part of the plan. So after the whole acute 'gain weight' part where I just increased the volume of foods I took in, it now is time to find a steady state in terms of weight and caloric intake. With my season really getting underway now, I'm still looking to lean out a bit, but stay at the same weight. (63-64kg for 1,81m).. ergo.. gain more lean muscle mass and shed fat.

I'm sure there's plenty of experienced people here to give me some pointers ;)
Thanks in advance!

im struggling a bit like you. being underweight has slowed me down big time. on my runs now i carry fuel incase i feel I am overdoing it. testosterone is made from natural fats, so make sure your fat intake is not too low. should be above 1g fat per 1kg bodyweight per day
Last edited by: synthetic: May 17, 17 19:13

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  • Post edited by synthetic (Dawson Saddle) on May 17, 17 19:13