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Re: Horrible. We lose one at IMTX [scca_ita]
Yes - "The Haywire Heart" is a good read and some key takeaways for hard charging 40+ athletes.

Just plugging back in after a week away from everything.

Terrible news about this. This is something you NEVER hope/think will happen.

I know none of the details with regards to this incident.

The unfortunate reality is that, in some ways we are into completely uncharted waters with 40+ year old athletes pushing themselves in training and racing at elite and sub-elite levels of effort. THIS is the first generation, that has ever had this many 40+ year old - runners, cyclists and triathletes, all doing this! We are all in this group (myself included at 56), lab-rats and guinea-pigs pushing the envelope!

Agreed that Leonard Zinn's new book "Haywire Heart", (on my to-read list), is most likely a great read - Zinn knows from his own personal experience and from that of other top-level Master's athletes within his circle* A shorter read is the article Zinn wrote for Velonews, that inspired him to write the book:


Sobering stuff!

* Within my circle of friends and contacts in the endurance sports community I've known 5 - 6 people who have died in the last 15 years under similar situations - all experienced veteran athletes - literally just dropping dead from heart issues.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Apr 25, 17 10:33

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  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 25, 17 10:33