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Re: Stats about Coal (was going to call it "Why care about Coal?") [nslckevin]
nslckevin wrote:
ironmayb wrote:
nslckevin wrote:
vitus979 wrote:

Its not about it being a small number. Its about asking why THESE 174,000 jobs and not someone else's 174,000 jobs.

Because THESE 174,000 jobs are heavily concentrated in a particular geographic area, for one thing.

More importantly, because these 174,000 jobs are held by people who have already seen job opportunities dry up, and because they don't have a realistic option to replace those jobs. It's not just about the 174,000 jobs lost now- it's also about all the similar jobs that have already been lost, and are not longer available for them to seek.

If we were looking at the death of teaching in the next 20 years, would you be concerned about all the teachers who were being put out of work? Why or why not?

The political conversation though is stupid. Don't promise to bring back jobs that aren't coming back. Promise to bring NEW jobs into that area to replace the coal jobs. Why not manufacture solar panels or something that is part of a GROWING industry? Why promise (falsely) to prop up a dying industry?

I know why of course. Because that's what the people want to hear. Well, I want to hear the president promise a $50k per year raise, a 4 day work week (three during the prime summer riding hours) and retirement at 50. The difference is I KNOW that's a fantasy. Somebody needs to tell the hard truth to the people of KY and WV, etc. that coal is a dying industry and help them find something to replace it.

Let's fucking be honest and actually help the people as opposed to lying about how you're going to help them. Though I'm directing my rant at Trump and the republicans I am of course fully aware that another version of this rant can be directed at the democrats, and rightly so. Let's solve problems and not just make unrealistic promises that are impossible to keep.

I don't remember any presidential candidates in the 70's or 80's promising to bring the typewriter manufacturing jobs back...


I'll see your ONE solar company bankruptcy and raise you... 42.


And that is ignoring the fact that Solyndra was trying to develop and new technology and failed as opposed to these 42 companies that went out of business by just trying to continue to do business as they always had. i.e. a failing industry.

does that also ignore the $535M in stimulus we spent on it? Edit: sorry it was only 535M not 535B
Last edited by: ironmayb: Mar 3, 17 14:17

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  • Post edited by ironmayb (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 3, 17 14:17