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Re: President Thin Skin to skip White House Correspondents dinner [Old Hickory]
Old Hickory wrote:
BLeP wrote:
I don't expect anything (well aside from him blundering his way from day to day).

I just enjoy mocking him and this is just another reason to. He's a pussy and can't take a few jokes. We all knew that though, this is just a reminder.

You don't get it and I suspect you never will. But your not alone. So you go that going for you.

I get it just fine. Anything he does is fine with you. Anything he doesn't do is fine with you. You are giving him a rusty trombone and you are loving every second of it.

You aren't alone. So you have that going for you.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Last edited by: BLeP: Feb 27, 17 7:30

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  • Post edited by BLeP (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 27, 17 7:30