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Re: Ketogenic Diet. Not Good For Athletes [rock]
rock wrote:
Please explain to me how a HFLC diet causes type 2 diabetes. And further, please explain how overweight people that already have type 2 diabetes manage their condition while still eating lots of carbs. Excessive carb intake, especially high gi carb, causes type 2 diabetes.

Yes the fast food industry/sugar industry is a big part of this. But so is portion control. I think people would be far less likely to eat large portions, resulting in higher total calorie intake, if they were eating a HFLC diet. Carbs simply don't satiate the way good fats and protein do.

I kept my post simple because I didn't see the need to go into the science on this. It is a hugely complex issue. The comment about not deserving carbs I stand by. If you're carrying 30+ percent body fat, you should not be eating carbs

I think you missed my point entirely.
The current obesity crisis is not due to ignorance of HFLC diets. It's absurd to say they are the solution. You appear to be suggesting that HFLC is the easy solution that everyone is missing. Nonsense. That's like saying the solution to terrorism is Buddhism.
Sure, if everyone was a committed Buddhist, there would likely be no terrorism. But that doesn't make it a useful "solution". Why? Well obviously, many people have no interest in becoming Buddhist, and certainly not those those involved in terrorism but more importantly, those who are violent "Christians", "Muslims", "Jews" or atheists, would also be violent "Buddhists". It's an absurd fantasy not a legitimate solution.

There are any number of diets that would solve the problem. The biggest challenge is not knowing what they should eat, it's eating it.

Incidentally, why the request to justify HFLC causing type 2 diabetes? I never made such a claim or any other claim about diabetes.

rock wrote:
....The comment about not deserving carbs I stand by. If you're carrying 30+ percent body fat, you should not be eating carbs
No, it's a silly comment.
If you're carrying 30%+ body fat you should reduce intake in general. Your apparent obsession with eliminating carbs as opposed to reducing consumption in general is my criticism. You're prescribing specific dietary solutions to essentially societal problems. The problem is not knowing what people should eat, it's getting them to eat it. Saying they "don't deserve" food groups just makes your comments ignorant, judgmental and inflammatory.
Last edited by: Ai_1: Feb 27, 17 4:23

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  • Post edited by Ai_1 (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 27, 17 4:23: Additional content