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Re: Steve Bannon now a NSC member [klehner]
klehner wrote:
Do you think that Trump will understand all the information presented at NSC meetings? This is the guy who appears to be foregoing the daily briefings, or has he deigned to be given that information?

This appears to me to be handing the reins over to Bannon, because Trump can't be trusted to make decisions that are likely pretty complex and could be contrary to whatever strategy the inner circle is planning.

I think that's exactly what it is, and I honestly don't think it's a bad idea in theory. The office of the President has an absurd amount of responsibilities, ultimately the buck stops with him on all of them but he/she can't be everywhere at once. I think Trump has made trade and jobs his highest priority and will spend the majority of his time 'making America great again'. And I believe he's entrusting most of the national security functions to Bannon and the NSC.

Let's say it was Obama, and he pulled this move with Axelrod or Plouffe, would you have an issue with it? Again, I think the final signoff needs to reside with the President and he or she has to stay informed, and I truly hope and pray that Trump takes that responsibility incredibly seriously. But I do not mind, in the least, a senior advisor taking on a bigger role for all of the day-to-day of national security concerns.
Last edited by: Brownie28: Jan 30, 17 9:06

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  • Post edited by Brownie28 (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 30, 17 9:06