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Re: Best subtle brag ever [Meathead]
Meathead wrote:
There is a huge difference between a guy in a hoodie, jeans, & Timberland boots running after you or asking you a question about pickles vs two people completely kitted out and on tri bikes at a convenience store asking a question about IM Louisville when you are wearing the Louisville race bike jersey, still have your Louisville race numbers on your bike, and your race wristband is still apparent.

In no way do I think that any of the catcalls or other unwanted accosting is appropriate, but there has to be a line of common sense. There is a difference between being aware at all times, and being in fear at all times. If you live your life in a constant state of fear, I don't know how you even get out of bed in the morning. But I agree that everyone, man or woman, should always be aware of your surroundings. However, awareness does not equal isolationism.

Have women been assaulted or even murdered while out running? Yes. One of the most brutal attacks happened near my home a few years back & the guy was never caught. But when the woman gave a description of the guy who assaulted her and he was not wearing Hokas & a track club singlet. Is that to say that no one will ever be assaulted by another endurance athlete? No. But I think you can use a little common sense and know that if someone at a 7-11 wearing a club kit and straddling a P3 asks you about on-course nutrition at the race you did two weeks ago is probably just curious about on-course nutrition, and not trying to devise a plan to kill you.

What you are doing here is "mansplaining", to a woman, when a woman should feel threatened and when she shouldn't.

While the described situation sounds pretty benign to me, I don't presume to tell women (or anyone for that matter) when they are justified in feeling creeped out or not.

It sounds like you want the woman in the story to act differently then she did. And/or you want the woman responding to you, to view life the way you view life.

In this case, none of the women involved are trying to curtail, restrict or modify your, or anyone else's, behaviour, they just want to be left alone. In such cases, I just say live and let live, and I don't presume to understand their experiences better than they do.
Last edited by: The Guardian: Nov 4, 16 11:04

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  • Post edited by The Guardian (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 4, 16 11:04
  • Post edited by The Guardian (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 4, 16 11:04