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Re: need to make serious swimming gains [Hoffmeister]
Hoffmeister wrote:
longtrousers wrote:

We europeans ONLY deal with meters, we do not even know what a yard is, or that they exist.

The Brits may not be part of the EU for much longer, but they will still be part of Europe ...

True. They also drive instead of on the right side on the wrong... eh.... left side.
I have a lot of english collegues and when it comes to body weight (e.g. 5 stones) I always wonder how they can say that since that should be dependent which stones you take ???

Nice picture you have there. I wonder why there are separate displays for "one foot" and for "two feet". Maybe because "two feet" is a separate unit and "two feet" is different from two times "one foot"???? I would'nt be surprised.
Last edited by: longtrousers: Oct 21, 16 8:24

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  • Post edited by longtrousers (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 21, 16 8:24