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Re: Can we quantify road bike risk? [trail]
Loosing battle.
"forum content is at the discretion of forum administrators".

It has been made clear, that dissent contributions are not appreciated..

trail wrote:
Slowman wrote:
"There are too many local variables. Your skill as a rider, and what type of riding you do. Where you ride. When you ride... It's sort of like heart attack risk. We have good numbers for average. But # may be way, way, off for *you*."

okay, so you're out. thanks. for those who're out, not necessary to respond. maybe start another thread. only interested in those who creative, intelligent ideas on such a project.

You're being a dick. You asked, "do you think we could generate good statistics? what questions, limits, rules, processes, behaviors, cautions, have i not thought of? "

But you don't want questions or limitations. You want yes-men.

Have fun.

And don't try to play the death-card on me. I've watched cyclists, on the ground, in front of me.
Last edited by: windschatten: Aug 27, 16 22:05

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  • Post edited by windschatten (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 27, 16 21:57
  • Post edited by windschatten (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 27, 16 22:03
  • Post edited by windschatten (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 27, 16 22:05