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Re: Can we quantify road bike risk? [Slowman]
Slowman wrote:
i take it then that you think that what i'm proposing has no merit?

I 100% want this data. People right by me keep dying, I bike into southern Michigan.

If my risk of biking 10 hours per week outside was 1 in 10,000 to die per year I would still bike.

If it were 1 in 100 to die per year I would not bike.

Not sure exactly where my cutoff would be. Perhaps 1 in 5000 chance per year given 520 hours of biking a year, so approx 1 in 2,500,000 odds per hour biking I'd my drunk math us correct.
Last edited by: copperman: Aug 27, 16 19:52

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  • Post edited by copperman (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 27, 16 19:52