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Re: Ironman not allowing wheelchair athlete to race without justification, [antonbp]
Since the Ironman rely on public roads is there a legal requirement to make it accessible? It seems like this could be an ADA issue

This^. Public facilities for this race include Great Marsh Park (swim start and transition), Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (bike course), Dorchester high school (bike special needs) and Long Wharf Park (finish). Given the road grades, ramp entrance to the swim, and beach exit from the swim, it seems that reasonable accommodations could easily be made.

Prohibiting differently abled athletes from racing on this course could be a civil rights issue.

No coasting in running and no crying in baseball
Last edited by: Tri3: Aug 25, 16 7:08

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  • Post edited by Tri3 (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 25, 16 7:08