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Re: Trainer road.com [cloy26]
cloy26 wrote:
I've always thought about TR responding to how we're doing our intervals. I don't have a smart trainer, but it would be cool if TR artificially raised a 105% interval up 1% or 2% if we're really nailing each interval. Like it we're averaging a % over on our intervals, TR can readjust. I'm sure this goes against set training principles, but it would be cool to have that interaction.

That's not the point. You can overreach on your intervals but that might not be a good thing. If your FTP is correct then the intervals and the overall workout TSS you get out of it should be correct. Some intervals aren't supposed to leave you with nothing in the tank.

If you're overshooting all of your intervals up your FTP (either by re-testing or manually).
Last edited by: RONDAL: Mar 25, 16 14:31

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  • Post edited by RONDAL (Cloudburst Summit) on Mar 25, 16 14:31