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Re: WKO+ 4.0 [Supersquid]
You can make it bike only if you want, here is the correct expression: tl(if(sport="bike",tss),ctlconstant)

CTL is an alias, in this case you need use the full formula for CTL which is tl(tss,ctlconstant), tl = training load. Now since you want training load for bike, the if statement needs to go after tl, so you get tl(if(sport="bike",tss),ctlconstant).

A simple way to see this in play for bike, run, swim is to open you chart library and search for "multi" and you will find a multi sport PMC which has all three sport types as if statements so you have 4 CTL lines and some other cool information. In this chart, open config and look at expression, copy and paste...fastest way to build an expression :-)

Tim Cusick
TrainingPeaks WKO4 Product Development Leader
Last edited by: Tim WKO4: Feb 12, 16 20:08

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Tim WKO4 (Cloudburst Summit) on Feb 12, 16 20:08