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Re: my thoughts on zwift [surfNJmatt]
surfNJmatt wrote:
So last week I asked about switching to Zwift from trainer road.

Today I tried a free trial and I gotta say, Eh?

It was ok, Sprint points and Drafting were fun but with trainer road its so much more structured.

I like having end point or goals (get through the next interval, finish out my hour, Raise my tss,etc..)

Zwift was novel but I don't think I would pay for it

Just my opinion, I'm sure its the exact opposite for others

It seems as if it's been mentioned already many times, but in the spirit of beating a dead horse:
- Zwift has training plans, workout mode, and bar graphs (in fact, Zwift was ONLY workout mode with bar graphs back in 2010, as its mostly what I use).
- Zwift has a very easy to use workout editor, and a huge library of community created workouts that are simple to download if you don't like the built in ones
- Zwift is cheaper than trainer road
- Zwift offers other ways to ride on the days you just need to spin or want some fun light competition

Zwift is a training tool that is hopefully more entertaining than what else is out there - you make it what you want. Some will watch a video, others will only be training in workout mode, many do group rides/races, and some just get on there for social recovery rides. It's a piece of virtual road with workout tools built in. We aren't trying to compete with outdoor riding, we're trying to make indoor riding more of a realistic option for the bulk of cyclists.

I can totally appreciate it isn't for everybody, but I do want to make sure you guys know what it can do. Structured Training on Zwift is a real thing and it is heavily used (literally tens of thousands of FTP tests have happened since we launched workout mode just a few months back).

Last edited by: jmX: Feb 10, 16 15:03

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  • Post edited by jmX (Cloudburst Summit) on Feb 10, 16 15:03