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Re: Enough already!!! Three reasons why you will YOU will never use Strava [DaveRoche]
DaveRoche wrote:
Trispoke wrote:
1. I don't need external validation
2. It gives athletes a false sense accomplishment and often wrecks workouts
3. It's just one more ME ME ME platform. No thanks

Anything is a ME ME ME platform if a person is an asshole. If a person is cool, all of these social media sites can be US US US platforms. And that community is so powerful in adding meaning/purpose to the otherwise mundane passage of time.

Through Strava/Facebook, I have met so many wonderful people and friends. THAT is what it's about. Well, that plus seeing the offset between friends' moving/elapsed time and calculating how long it takes them to poop in the bushes.

^^^ This. Strava actually has the reverse effect on me, it keeps my ego in check. When I think I had a fast run, I go look and see a friend who just ran twice as far and 1min/mi faster. I follow Dave Roche because the dude does sick workouts and it's impressive and inspiring...plus sometimes he posts pictures of his dog!

Really though, what I like most about Strava is that it makes it easier to find the best/hardest/steepest/fastest roads in the area and then some friends and I go out and hammer these segments because it's fun to go fast. Sometimes I'm first, sometimes I'm last...doesn't matter because we'll try again next month.

Like someone else said, if you can't abstain from the gong show of Strava when you're training easy, then you have bigger problems.
Last edited by: MSUtri: Dec 9, 15 10:34

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  • Post edited by MSUtri (Lightning Ridge) on Dec 9, 15 10:34