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Re: Completed Ironman... other people's condescending remarks [againagain]
Completed Ironman... other people's condescending remarks

When you step outside the relatively small endurance sports community, and into the general population, it's not uncommon to encounter a general incredulity about what you/we do. Keep in mind when most average people are asked what is the #1 challenge in their day to day lives they say they don't have enough time for things. Most say this about fitness and physical activity - even in the face of deteriorating health, due to inactivity, most will say, "I don't have time for that"

So when you match that up with the dropping of the fact that you just did an Ironman, the average joe & jane, is incredulous, that you would have 5, 10 15 or more hours/week to devote to training for something like that! For some depending on their mood or state of mind, they may even be a bit hostile and angry, that a peer of theirs, can somehow manage to find the time and energy in the week to do that.

Note, I'm not agreeing with those folks, just getting a bit inside their brain.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Dec 1, 15 8:27

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  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 1, 15 8:27