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Re: Algal bloom in Ohio. Louisville swim [badgertri]
badgertri wrote:
Just out of curiosity...if they take samples from multiple locations do they take the average of the results? What is the methodology to make a fair decision? One of the reports said that the level of toxins ranged from 0 to 2-3x the safe amount. If there is any chance that an athlete could swim through the 2-3x the safe amount do you cancel if every other sample came back as zero?

From a legal perspective I am curious what the risk tolerance is.

I think one of the articles linked from a few days ago said they go by "parts per billion" and 20 is the guideline. A week ago they were getting samples of zero to 40 or 50 along the course and worse readings than that upriver from Louisville. Now that was a week ago before we got more rain and colder temps. I think some additional results should come today from recent tests the end of last week. I keep seeing that it takes 3 days to get results so to me that means Thursday is the last chance. If the levels aren't down by then... Friday, Saturday and Sunday conditions may not matter if 3 days are needed to get results. Here is the latest story I've seen....


Last edited by: jmk1538: Oct 5, 15 12:03

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  • Post edited by jmk1538 (Big Pines) on Oct 5, 15 12:01
  • Post edited by jmk1538 (Big Pines) on Oct 5, 15 12:03