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Re: dopers vs course cutters [Cmore]
Cmore wrote:
Dopers are far,far worse than course cutters, bib switchers, etc. Course cutters are "amateur" cheats at best. They usually have a short term goal and think of the easiest solution to achieve that goal. No real effort involved, just some planning and execution. They are not risking life and limb.

Dopers however, they are the "professional" cheats. They are in it for the long haul. They are already doped to the gills with legal supplements. They have tried everything over the counter, from GNC, etc. trying to get that edge. They already have so many chemicals going in and out of their bodies. They are doped to the gill gear wise as well. Always have to have the latest bike, wheels, etc in order to have that edge. They are no different than the common crack or meth addict, just no rotting teeth or favors for drugs. They are the ones meeting their "dealer" in a back alley or anti aging clinic and buying illegal substances. They are the ones sticking themselves with a needle every day. Got to have that fix. It doesn't matter what it is doing to their body. Their whole life is a lie and they will do anything to hide that fact and conceal it.

I hope you are not implying that there is a correlation between those that know the data and are fortunate enough to be able to keep up with improvements in equipment and those who would cheat their fellow competitors by taking banned PEDs. Your argument seems dangerously close to suggesting that if an athlete seeks out the very best equipment in order to go as fast as he possibly can, then we can expect that he will dope because that too will assist him in going as fast as he possibly can.

I know my equipment choices (aero road helmet, Enve wheels, Zipp bars, etc. on the road bike and P5 with similar goodies on the TT bike) help make me go faster. I also know I could go even faster (possibly much faster) with EPO and all the rest in the system. But just because I make one set of perfectly legal choices in order to go fast does not mean I will make another set of illegal (and immoral) choices in order to achieve the same result.

Amateur recreational hobbyist cyclist
Last edited by: refthimos: Sep 4, 15 10:54

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  • Post edited by refthimos (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 4, 15 10:49
  • Post edited by refthimos (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 4, 15 10:54