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Re: Newbie question: Cervélo P5 Six 2014 or Cervelo 2015 [Marlin]
Marlin wrote:
Just buy the Di2 version and upgrade the other parts as you go forward. It doesn't sound like price is an issue for you, so upgrading a bunch of parts on the aftermarket should not be an issue. Enjoy the bike!

I'd disagree and go with mechanical P3. It comes with Magura brakes and loses iffy routing of the e-tubes. Di2 version does not have clean routing THROUGH the basebar from any shop. They will tape the e-tubes to the bar and not drill the bar as would be necessary for "clean" e-tube routine (as it would void any warranty from 3T).
Last edited by: James Haycraft: Jul 3, 15 5:59

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  • Post edited by jkhayc (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 3, 15 5:58
  • Post edited by jkhayc (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 3, 15 5:59