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Re: To the cyclist on Hwy. 1 in Malibu this morning... [Ninety5rpm]
You're either insane, terrible at having a conversation, or simply cannot read. Perhaps all three. Forge didn't say anything of the like. There was nothing said nor implied about an agreement or disagreement with Hannity. At best you could surmise that Forge was saying Hannity has a wide audience, Hannity was expressing frustration with cyclists riding in a certain way that disrupts traffic flow, and Forge is of the opinion that cyclists would be best served by not stoking the fires of frustration and riding in a way that's respectful and considerate of motor traffic & not even putting the appearance out of impeding that. I believe that's what his comments imply, but I cannot speak for Forge.

You're reaching, or continuing to do so, which is nothing new in this thread given that you compared cycling on roads to the civil rights struggle of the '50s/'60s. By the way--You never did report back on what your token friend had to say about your ridiculous comparison.

Ninety5rpm wrote:
TheForge wrote:
Call it pathetic all you want. I'm only come to see how others have pointed out your stupidity.

By the way I was listening to hannity today and he was tking about self centered cyclist taking over the lanes so that he has to slow down and how he is that guy beeping his horn at him. That dude has millions of listeners. How many of the. Do you think agree with him? You aren't winning any friends here.

Great. You're with Hannity about thinking it's okay to honk at cyclists simply because they make you slow down? Wow.
Last edited by: MidwestRoadie: Jun 5, 15 19:56

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  • Post edited by MidwestRoadie (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 5, 15 19:56