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Re: New Cervelo S5 [Orbilius]
I was lucky enough to meet Sausskross at Eurobike a year or two ago. It was a pleasure. He may not be the easiest writer to understand, but his combination of passion for bicycle engineering and his capacity to enjoy the larger philosophical meaning is unmatched among riders I've met. He is a musician and artist whose first language is not English, but who loves riding road bikes and who appreciates their inspirational technology. He loves to share his experiences with other passionate riders. Read slowly and try to understand; you'll be a happier rider if you can gain a little bit more of his joy for the ride.

Damon Rinard
Engineering Manager,
CSG Road Engineering Department
Cannondale & GT Bicycles
(ex-Cervelo, ex-Trek, ex-Velomax, ex-Kestrel)
Last edited by: damon_rinard: May 9, 15 15:53

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  • Post edited by damon_rinard (Dawson Saddle) on May 9, 15 15:53