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Re: Did Mike Rossi (viral marathon dad) cheat his way into Boston? [kny]
kny wrote:
I think this pretty much sums up the circumstantial evidence. (from LR, of course):

  1. No other finisher (total number?) in race with 0 pictures outside of finish line.
  2. 1 in 11,000 chance of 0 photos based on statistical analysis of the number of photos of the 100 finishers nearest his 3:11 finish.
  3. Bridge photographer at mile ?? has a consistent stream of photos with timestamps. MR does not pass by there at any point and there are no large time gaps in the photo stream during the time he would need to pass through to run between 3:00 and 3:30 pace. Unless he can run the 200m visibility of those pics in under 6 seconds, he was simply not there.
  4. 3:11 is hugely inconsistent with past performances. Lots to elaborate on here.
  5. 1000 miles in 18 months is not heavy milage and not consistent with a 3:11 marathoner, particularly a new runner who does not have years of miles of muscle memory in his legs
  6. Inconsistent social media treatment of his breakout LV performance in comparison to his other races and training
  7. Wet front of body yet dry armpits suggests lack of sweat but rather poured water on himself
  8. Started with sunglasses and headphones. Finished without.
  9. Will not produce GPS evidence that he claims to have of the LV performance and/or other workouts that are consistent with being able to run 3:15
  10. Having never run more than 5K at 3:11 pace, it is illogical that he would attempt a marathon at that pace, particularly as only 3:25 needed for BQ
  11. Rossi claims his prior performances and training do not reflect his true 3:11 ability because in all prior performance he was always: (a) - injured and/or (b) - didn't try hard. Needless to say, both of these explanations are complete bullocks. It is completely illogical that he would not try in his 20 races, and in fact, his social media posts directly contradict this claim, as he "gives it everything he's got in everything he does". And, injured? Injuries tend to prevent you from racing at all, not consistently slow you down by 10% if you are still able to toe the line and run. Clearly, MR's word cannot be taken seriously with regards to pace or effort; his report from his 3:43 Philly Marathon make that clear when he indicates he was on pace for another BQ until he had to take a potty break, while the actual timing data show that claim to be wildly false.

I never heard of number 8 before. Does some one on LR have his selfie photo from the start of the race posted in the thread? I'd like to see it. He must have forgot them in the car on his drive to the finish area.
Last edited by: Burnt Toast: May 8, 15 7:22

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  • Post edited by Burnt Toast (Dawson Saddle) on May 8, 15 7:22