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Re: New Cervelo or something else? [akbreezo]
I got a 2104 P2. I'm clearly in the minority here, but I like the paint job on the NP2 better than the NP3. The stealth look does nothing for me.

I was able to get the 10-sp P2 in my size at the $300 discount relative to the 11-sp version. Since I was planning on upgrading the wheels to something that is 11-sp compatible anyway and my shop was generous on doing upgrades, starting with the 10-sp worked out better for me. They gave me credit for the stock wheels (only worth about $100 for the pair), the 105 5700 RD, Tiagra casette and chain, and 10-sp DA shifters. Those credits equaled what they charged me for Ultegra 6800 RD, 12-25 cassette and chain, plus the 11-sp DA shifters. I also got a discount on new HED Ardennes LT+ wheels.

I swapped out the stock saddle and chainrings for a Cobb V-Flow Plus and Praxis chainrings. I sold the stock saddle on ST. Like Staer, I'm thinking that I may switch to a Svet Zero basebar, but I'm happy with the T4+ extensions. Add some Jet 6+ wheels and maybe a Power2Max power meter in the future, and I can't imagine wanting anything else as far as a TT/Tri bike is concerned.
Last edited by: Pete Schiller: Mar 3, 15 8:49

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  • Post edited by Pete Schiller (Cloudburst Summit) on Mar 3, 15 8:49