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Re: ** Zipp 303 Firecrest Tubular Wheelset Disc Brakes ** [CCF]
CCF wrote:
Are those the Avid HS1 or HSX rotors? What size are they?

They are HS1. 160mm front, 140mm rear.

CCF wrote:
Were the LASs glued and then removed or are they virgin? If they were removed, how is the base tape?

Thanks for asking. Forgive the lengthy response, but this just allows me to indulge in a historical account of my ill-fated cyclocross racing career.

Wheels were new and virgin and needed a pair or tubulars so that I could begin my domination of the SoCal cyclocross racing circuit. Being a dorky roadie type worried about things like Crr, and being in the desert we affectionately call SoCal, I decided to go with file treads and the LAS tubulars. So I ran them one race, completely sucked, DNF'd, and blamed part of my sucky performance on the file treads.

So off came the LAS tubies after that one race and on went the MXPs. Did one race on those, DNF'd, realized that while admittedly I probably got more traction with the MXPs, my issues with cross were not the tires but instead the fact that I SUCK AT CYCLOCROSS, and that was the last ride I did on the wheels and the MXPs.

Last spring, I was prepping for the SPY Belgian Waffle Ride, and it was clear that I was going to need the cross bike for that one. (My other bike is a 2013 S5 and can only take 23mm tires - that wasn't going to cut it). So I figured "I am gonna need as much help as I can get for that ride - let me dust off those awesome Zipp 303 race wheels" and bought some 27mm Vittoria Pave tubulars to run for that race. So I took off the MXPs and was *this close* to mounting the Vittorias when I asked myself "Do I really want to run tubulars on a 140 mile road/dirt race?" So I ended up getting a pair of the Paves in clincher, used my cheap Chinese carbon clincher wheels, and so that is why the Zipp 303s do not currently have any tires mounted to them.

Here are photos of the both the rims and the LAS and MXPs, each of which were used for exactly one short DNF cross race:

CCF wrote:
How are you handling shipping?

I recently shipped a frame from here in CA to NM (so not far) and that cost $45 via FedEx ground. I imagine the wheels will cost about the same, probably more, particularly if the buyer is on the East Coast. But I will pay for shipping if payment is made Paypal gift.

Amateur recreational hobbyist cyclist
Last edited by: refthimos: Feb 26, 15 10:53

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  • Post edited by refthimos (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 26, 15 10:53