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Re: Susan's Power Cranks [susanherself]
[reply]5 weeks I've been training with Power Cranks and I know now that good things are already happening because tonight on a whim I decided to do some squats--first time in months, due to a back injury. I was amazed when on the first rep, my hips just kept dropping til they were below the level of my knees. I have NEVER been able to squat that deep in my entire life, and it was effortless. I couldn't believe it, so I did a few more--same thing, really easy. I went to the bedroom to do some in front of the full-length mirror, to see if these squats really were as deep as they felt, and yes, my butt was only about a foot from the floor. I stopped at 15, and I didn't use added weight, because I have a century ride on Saturday and I feel really good and I don't want to do anything stupid in these last few days. I did these squats *after* I finished a 45-minute bike ride. And my back didn't hurt either!

I'm sure other people have had this experience, but I wasn't expecting it and am thrilled! I'm thinking there's no point in my ever doing squats again. I'll just ride my bike!

Susan (who is morphing from regular human being into uber cyclist, thanks to PCs)

P.S. Everybody should buy some EXCEPT women in my AG whom I might end up racing against. :)[/reply]


I sold a pair to Darren Sinclair, the Sugoi rep at all the IM events, who got them for his running after an ACL injury. After 4 weeks I interviewed him for some video and I was amazed he reported improvement in his squats and dead lifts after only 3 weeks. He apparently had some core weakness or imbalance or something else that allowed him to improve dramatically. In squats he was up to 100 reps total at 225 lbs in 4 sets.

Someday, eventually, we will stop finding new outlandish claims to make for this product.

And, Susan, you know the slow twitch motto. We need pictures of you in front of the mirror doing this (in your bedroom, of course) or this really didn't happen. Either that or your seat is too low (or is it too high). I forget which has precedence.


An original Ironman and the Inventor of PowerCranks
Last edited by: Frank Day: Sep 20, 05 19:25

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  • Post edited by Frank Day (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 20, 05 19:25