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Re: TRIATHLETE: USE the PULL BUOY...use it A LOT!!!! [jonnyo]
jonnyo wrote:
last time i swam in hawaii... i was in the pro lead group with the pace car right in front of me out of transition....

so much for this strategy not working.......

read the article, it will explain why.

The bitching and moaning is associated to a certain type of individual. Those people dont really last long with me as a coach....triathlete or swimmers.....

i guess perhaps i m just lucky...the triathletes i work with done whine, they simple get the work done.

Comments are a bit derisive - "I'm this great coach and if athletes don't like my way then it's the highway" and 'gee, I'm fast so what I say is right '. Woohoo and Full marks to you! Lots of people are fast and could hose you swimming backstroke so please save the 'look at me" for those who are impressed.

BUT, your carrying on aside, I agree with your sentiment that it has a place and can be (more often than not) a great benefit to the triathlete swimmer. Probably less so for the great swimmers - still very useful but for different reasons. Good points you make - though you could support it a little better with more than the ' Oh well, that's what my athletes do and anyone who doesn't can bite me' type rationale.

Good coaches explain why things can help and generally don't try to blow their own horns to prove a point.
Last edited by: gunsbuns: Dec 9, 14 1:45

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  • Post edited by gunsbuns (Lightning Ridge) on Dec 9, 14 1:44: iPad auto thing
  • Post edited by gunsbuns (Lightning Ridge) on Dec 9, 14 1:45