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Re: Andrew Starykowicz Excuses [Ty]
Ty wrote:
Doesn't every one basically make excuses when they under perform or don't perform up to their own or others expectations? We all do it.

I agree about 90% with this statement. Nothing is worse than hanging out after a race and asking people how their race went. I had a guy tell me one time that the reason his swim didn't go well is because the moon was full and it was closer to the earth than normal and it threw off his energy output because of it... WTF??? As soon as the "How was your race" question is asked, a myriad of excuses pour out and at that point I'm thinking...

So because I hate hearing all that hoopla if someone asks how I did I'm just brutally honest with them about me. People get shocked from time to time because they're expecting a plethora of excuses, not just a one or two liner..haha.
Last edited by: Speed Concept: Nov 1, 14 12:35

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  • Post edited by Speed Concept (Lightning Ridge) on Nov 1, 14 12:35