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Re: No thread yet on on the corruptness / incompetance of USAC and Tygart at USADA? [Slowman]
Slowman wrote:
see, this is the problem. you insinuated that teejay "is for the omerta, and publicly defending dopers." before you say, "no, i didn't," here is what you wrote:

If Tejay is for the omerta, and publicly defending dopers, that might not be the best tact, for his sponsors, assuming he values his sponsors and wants more sponsors of his 'clean cycling' and Tejay, the brand. That unbent or apparently unbent voice is a double edged sword- as it will turn off some of his fans, too, and they will become non-fans.

you, and eric, have a penchant for denigrating people who don't express the view you hold with the ardency with which you think it should be expressed. the two of you get very pissy when you aren't listened to (eric, earlier up in this thread: "ask a journalist, if you can find one around here").

this is typical of the mob mentality of the internet, but i think people are getting tired of it.

now, look, here's the other side. redemption has been offered, but has not usually been embraced. michi weiss is a case in point on this forum. in fact, everybody with the last name of weiss. consider the case of hincapie, here's a guy who, if i understand it right, was either in and out of doping or entirely doping for upwards of a 20-year cycling career. he saw the entire arc of lance's career, everything that happened to emma o'reilly, the lemonds, the andreus, companies that lost lawsuits they should have won, and he never said a thing. he watched while they were mauled and stood over their carcasses. never said a word. but now he's pretty much redeemed. not a hero, as tygart tried to make him. but redeemed. why? because of a full-throated, believable apology.

so, what sponsors, teams, fans, want to hear is humility, transparency, and straight talk even if the idea is complex. i think people have gotten really tired of the binary choice: you hate with the ardency of my hate, or you're enabling the other side. i believe teejay can voice a complex parsing of the issue of doping, and he can withstand the shouting of the mob. teejay is not the one in need of a PR expert. all those caught doping (or other onerous act) who don't fall entirely on their swords with ultimate transparency are the one's who got the bad PR advice.

I am shocked that you capitalized the acronym PR. I thought you self banned the your usage of the shift and caps lock keys?

Now carry on with this thread.
Last edited by: devashish_paul: Oct 23, 14 11:34

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