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Re: USAT's Ray Rice [Power13]
Power13 wrote:
dhr wrote:
AWARE wrote:

Any woman that doesn't want to serve next to Jack or is afraid of him doesn't know him, that simple.

I've been drugged, beaten & raped.

First, I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. That's horrible.

Second, would you feel comfortable around the person who did that to you if their friend said the same thing about them as you did about Jack?

Jack did something horrifying. That's scary. EVERYONE has the right to be uncomfortable being around him. It's that simple.

I think we need to be very careful about asking questions like (or asking how we would feel if it was out mother, sister, whomeever in the scenario). Those types of questions are a play on emotions and serve no purpose in this discussion. It is the reason why victims don't get to decide on the punishment for their offenders. Emotion clouds the issue.

The question is really pretty simple - how we, as na organization (members, board, sponsors, etc) are going to deal with issues such as this moving forward. FWIW, it seems there is little that can be done about Jack Weiss at the moment. He has made his position clear and continues to push back against calls for his resignation.

Moving forward, how can the bylaws be revised to properly address infractions, violations and assorted missteps by its members?

I actually don't think that part of the discussion is relevant, but that was a very clear defense of his character and, really, a defense of his actions. It should be unstated that people have the right to be uncomfortable around a person who beats his partner. End of story, let's move on.

Of course, saying that may minimize the importance of current discussions and issues concerning the equality of women in the sport. That's an even bigger problem.

As I've stated multiple times, this is primarily about our representation on USAT.
Last edited by: dhr: Oct 17, 14 12:20

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  • Post edited by dhr (Cloudburst Summit) on Oct 17, 14 12:20