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Re: IM Choo swim joke [spot]
No you did cover 2.4 miles, you just don't like that it's aided that much. The same for running a marathon straight downhill (which is why records have to have certain qualifying standards for it to count, etc). You "cover" the correct distance, you just do it in a gimmicky way. But yes I can argue that you do in fact cover 2.4 miles, we just don't like when we do it in a "aided" way.

ETA: My whole point has been, if this race is going to stay around (and I don't see why it wont), we all know/acknowledge it's a gimmicky swim. The purist can bitch about it, but I don't think it devalues the brand, or cant say they covered the distance. I think we all just accept that these courses come with an * in the back of our mind when we talk about this race (and races like B2B). More of a "cool story bro".

Last edited by: BDoughtie: Sep 28, 14 18:55

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  • Post edited by BDoughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 28, 14 18:55