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Re: IM Choo swim joke [JasoninHalifax]
By having the swim on a current, The swim becomes different lengths to different people, depending on how fast they swim. Without doing the exact calcs, the FOP swimmer might swim 1.8 miles. The MOP swimmer might have only swum 1 mile. The lazy river guy would have had to swim 0 miles. Not everyone is doing the same course.


I'm not following you here on your swim calculations (cant the same thing then be applied to for instance wind conditions on the bike course throughout the bike course??). I totally get this was a bit ridiculous swim, I keep chuckling when I see the times from all the friends that are posting on fb. Sounds like a fantastic and fast race out there today for most. Like I said, if we all "know" this race is a downhill swim, I sorta just shrug and say cool. This isn't going to suddenly devalue the IM brand. If we are claiming that, that happened when they put 3000 people on a course that was designed for 1600 and now races are filled with draft packs.

ETA: Now I'm not saying that these races that are like this are on equal as others. What I'm saying is, if we all agree it's an downhill swim, the race essentially acknowledges it, I don't see much harm/foul in it. Everyone and their mother knows B2B is 99% of the time going to be an aided swim. We just accept it. As I said, this downhill swim doesn't devalue the IM brand anymore than the draft packs that show up at 95% of IM events.

Last edited by: BDoughtie: Sep 28, 14 18:46

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  • Post edited by BDoughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 28, 14 18:46