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Re: Nina Kraft wins IMKY at 46. [h2ofun]
h2ofun wrote:
anitan1 wrote:
-Mike- wrote:
I remember a conversation i had with my father ( nuro-radiologist/Full Prof) who argues it's stupid not to allow endurance athletes the use of EPO since they are naturally suppressing their EPO levels on the daily basis. He said the same for T therapy and a wide range of other hormones. This was in response to the TDF which in his opinion is putting such a huge stress on the body you should allow the riders the full medical spectrum of recovery aids. He just laughs when endurance sports are so closed to the idea of any medical advancement being used in the sport but all the new gear and technology is fine.

This is a really good point. However, I think the flaw in this logic is that these substances aren't banned because of their inherent benefits, but because they are dangerous, right? That's a question, not an assertion. I don't know enough about PEDs to argue either side...

Dangerous to who? If someone else wants to damage their body, who cares.

Now, it is proven contact sports are dangerous for concussions. Under the dangerous logic, we really should stop all these sports since it IS proven it can mess your brain up.


We limit many things in society that are dangerous to ourselves so I don't see why taking drugs in sports should be exempt.

One big problem with allowing PEDs in sport is where to draw the line when it comes to youth and junior sports. How far down in age would it be allowed and how would you regulate it? Kids seeing their sport heroes openly and freely take drugs to perform would at some point want to do the same, and to legitimize a drug taking culture amongst the youth will probably not lead to good things for society at large either. As someone said earlier, public shaming is a big deterrent to these things so openly showing it's not accepted is important imo.

BA coaching http://www.bjornandersson.se
Last edited by: bjorn: Aug 25, 14 5:07

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  • Post edited by bjorn (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 25, 14 5:07