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Re: Nina Kraft wins IMKY at 46. [WILLEATFORFOOD]
Have any of you people who pile on to the dopers ever played a serious team sport? I played soccer in college and it was extremely competitive and you cheat whenever you can to get an advantage on the field...get caught you serve your time and move on. I had dozens of yellow cards and a few red cards but i was able to get inside other teams heads and piss them off to the point where i had a serious advantage, am i allowed to stomp guys feet, no, but if the ref does not see it never happened. A family member played D1 football and the coach wanted him to put on 20 lbs one off season and said do what you need to do, he ran some cycles and boom he was back on the starting squad. That is how sports work, its a game and the people who take the most risks win. I am not supporting doping but i also don't care, take the risk and suffer the consequences if you are caught.


I remember a conversation i had with my father ( nuro-radiologist/Full Prof) who argues it's stupid not to allow endurance athletes the use of EPO since they are naturally suppressing their EPO levels on the daily basis. He said the same for T therapy and a wide range of other hormones. This was in response to the TDF which in his opinion is putting such a huge stress on the body you should allow the riders the full medical spectrum of recovery aids. He just laughs when endurance sports are so closed to the idea of any medical advancement being used in the sport but all the new gear and technology is fine.
Last edited by: -Mike-: Aug 24, 14 23:59

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  • Post edited by Ron_Burgundy (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 24, 14 23:59