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Re: Nina Kraft wins IMKY at 46. [The_Mickstar]
The_Mickstar wrote:
She doped 10 years ago, openly admitted her cheating, and served her time. So...?

When someone is a doper, and then does something that is out of the norm, a logical conclusion is that they are likely still doping.

I think doping should be a lifetime ban. I am too lazy to get into all the reasons why, but in my book once a doper, always a doper - with rare exceptions.

There are way too many great athletes that have never been caught for doping (and hopefully have never doped) for me to support or think at all positively about those that have doped.
Last edited by: The Guardian: Aug 24, 14 21:27

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  • Post edited by The Guardian (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 24, 14 21:27