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Re: Mayor of city attacks cyclists [MU1998]
You think the witnesses' memories were all tainted?

Consider this. The mayor was not detained at the scene. The victim and witnesses *were*, for 1.5 hours, immediately after the accident. The mayor had time to fabricate a plausible story and even to fix any scuffs in his car paint. I don't know how long it was before the police took a statement, but it was at least 1.5 hours, or even if they took a statement at all before finally passing the matter on to another district/division, as they should have in the beginning. Sheer incompetence? Or intentional coverup?

The whole thing smells to the heavens.

I agree with the others. Why would MU1998 take precious time in his or her day to write in defending the Mayor, spewing a carbon copy of the Mayor's version of the events, AND taking a swing at the victim's reputation. Does MU1998 feel that the slowtwitch community is full of imbeciles? Just wow. Until MU1998 can convince us that (s)he is a longtime forum user as claimed, I smell a rat.

I'd believe the victim and three arm's length strangers who are voluntarily testifying. What rational person wouldn't?!!! Give it a rest, MU1998.
Last edited by: karencoutts: Aug 3, 14 16:34

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  • Post edited by karencoutts (Cloudburst Summit) on Aug 3, 14 16:34: Forgot an apostrophe