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Re: lost wetsuit IMLP - WTC policy ? [ahhchon]
ahhchon wrote:
some of you people have shit for brains.

don't race with anything you can't afford to lose? that has to be the dumbest most pompous statement i have ever heard. maybe you shouldn't drive a car you can't afford to lose, maybe you shouldn't live in a house you can't afford to have burnt down.

who cares what his stuff costs. the fact is that it was lost or stolen at a race where the race is entrusted ensure the safety (from theft) of people's belonging.

for starters, my WHOLE family was in t1 in 2011. i finished the swim 30 mins ahead of schedule and my mother panicked and thought i drowned. my whole family (mother, sister, aunt and FIVE cousins) were in transition running around looking for me and checking to see if my transition bags were still there. we still joke about it these days. they had absolutely ZERO difficulty getting in there.

they also were able to retrieve my transition bags afterwards with no tags (i got my bike myself).

the reality is that we don't know what happened to the wetsuit. for all we know it was placed (hung) on top of the transition bags (that's how mine was) and someone snagged it.

i have complete sympathy for this guy. a volunteer said don't worry about it and that he would pack things up for him. i've done over 20 traithlons and i've always entrusted these amazing volunteers to do the task they told me they would do. it's like going to a club and giving your coat over to coat check and they lose it. same difference. volunteers in T1 is a service provided by the wtc.

you're gonna get screwed, it's just too bad.

What does your race in 2011 have to do with this situation? People are merely pointing out that we all run the risk of having things lost or stolen when we race. Fortunately, it's never happened to the vast majority of us. I think WTC makes it pretty clear that they are not responsible for this stuff and we agree to all of that legal shit when we sign up. On Sunday at IM Canada, T1 was so full that some guys were changing outside the tent. A volunteer told me that he would take care of my stuff but I didn't want to risk it so I put everything in the bag myself. If I hadn't, anything that got lost would have been on me. I have some sympathy for the guy but I don't think anyone owes him anything if his wetsuit is never returned.
Last edited by: cjbruin: Jul 29, 14 15:43

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  • Post edited by cjbruin (Lightning Ridge) on Jul 29, 14 15:43