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Re: WANT TO BE SPONSORED? [Marcin Sochacki]
This has turned into a pretty unbelievable thread. I'm not sure why a company offering this sort of program to both pro and amatuer athletes is forced to defend itself. Thanks for taking the initiative to do this, for those up and coming age groupers it's always helpful to get a few free or discounted items.

For the few complaining about this, of course a company is getting something out of this. Exposure. I've got no marketing or accounting experience at all and can see that. The idea is that it's a win-win for both sides.

Unfortunately for the MOP/BOP people aren't buying equipment because you wear it, sorry. They are because the guy on the podium is and some of the top end amatuers are better than anyone else about recognizing and supporting the companies that help them out. I know that's going to upset some, but it's pretty much the reason I won't be applying for this. While my OA results meet his criteria (at least 4), the only way I'm ever coming out of the water first is if the water is waste deep and it's a run (seriously happened once, great story!). It' makes no sense for a wetsuit company to invest money in someone who is playing catch up after using their equipment, doesn't say anything about how good their equipment is.

Kudos to Rocket Science Sports for taking starting this up.
Last edited by: tmcg: Jul 27, 14 19:24

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  • Post edited by tmcg (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 27, 14 19:24