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Re: WANT TO BE SPONSORED? [ajthomas]
ajthomas wrote:
You cannot compare any triathlete to what Ronaldo can bring to the table in publicity. Besides the pro sponsorship above clearly has a cash component. I am uncertain where this anger is coming from.

Not only that, but there seems to be an interesting trend lately where triathlon pros (not all, but a seemingly growing number) appear to think that they are 'owed' additional money and sponsorship (however you define that), just for being pro. They seem to have forgotten that the entire point of sponsorship is to grow the underlying business of the company doing the sponsoring*. If the pro isn't delivering a return of investment on that to the company (in terms of clear brand value/units shipped), then it's quite frankly not worth the companies money. Merely having a tiny logo on your uniform doesn't get companies much these days in the triathlon world.

To add to that, with funding relatively limited in the triathlon 'sponsorship' world, there is a simple reality that companies are finding in some cases more value in sponsoring an age grouper with wider reach, than a pro who doesn't deliver the brand message beyond just a 1" logo on a t-shirt on a podium. Again, triathlon pros have to realize they have to bring value to the table beyond that occasional visibility. You see some pros doing that here and elsewhere, but most don't.

*There are occasional feel-good sponsorships around the industry, but those don't really last long.

My tiny little slice of the internets: dcrainmaker.com
Last edited by: dcrainmaker: Jul 27, 14 2:33

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  • Post edited by dcrainmaker (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 27, 14 2:33