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Re: Could this be onset of plantar fasciitis? [BionicMan]
Thought I'd update, if for nothing else at least to just keep a log for myself. This happened on the 25th of May. I ran a few times that week. Nothing hard but wanted to test it out. Pain was bearable but wasn't getting better. Decided to stop running entirely to see how it goes.

I've been doing several of the things recommended. Rolling the feet over a ball, icing, stretching, working the calves, wearing soft shoes. My calves are always a mess but the left was really knotted up badly. I also strained it doing swim kicks last weekend. Things definitely seem to be pointing to the calf as the root issue or at least a contributing factor. I got some of the knots to release with the stick. Hurt like hell.

Right foot has improved and doesn't have much but a little lingering soreness.

Cycling causes no pain or discomfort.

Left heel is still sore. It's a dull pain that feels like it's been hit with a hammer. I have felt some twinges on the back of the heel where it turns up. Again, another sign that seems to point to calf and possibly achilles.

If I walk on the balls of my feet there is no pain or discomfort at all, so maybe that contradicts the achilles theory. If this doesn't get better in the next few days I'm going to see a doctor. Haven't decided if I should see an ortho or a podiatrist. Seems to be a lot of strong opinions on that topic. There is a friend of a friend who is a podiatrist and he is a cyclist, so I'm trying to find someone who has seen him to get opinions but I like seeing doctors who actually run or bike.

Hate not being able to run. I've read where people run through heel pain with taping, orthotics, etc., but I don't think I want start down that path and get dependent on those things.

Loud pawls save lives
Last edited by: BionicMan: Jun 5, 14 8:22

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  • Post edited by BionicTri (Cloudburst Summit) on Jun 5, 14 8:22