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Re: Predict Odds on IMMD rapid sellout [iron07]
I am betting a lot of people took the same advice srussell gave me and chose not to sign up. Funny how I was accused of WTC bashing when I suggested the race might have problems. What I said was that I doubt the race will sruvive unless WTC does things differently. Pretty cool to say "its Ironman, such up the jelly fish." But the reality is that most people are looking for an "easy" ironman. Tahoe and St George have proven that the hard core Ironman that you "tough guys" want just does not fit with a business model that is designed for selling our a race with 3000 entries. So, if IMMD has perfect temps, no jelly fish, no wind and everyone PRs, the race is a sell out the next year. If there are jellys, nettles, flooded roads, soul crushing winds, and mind melting heat...the race will not be around long. Now, here is the part that you with poor reading comprehension need to pay close attention to. This is not bashing WTC. This is actually a recognition that WTC brilliantly positions its races in a way to appeal to the greatest number of potential competitors. I know that is considered a terrible thing here on ST where the make believe sport of triathlon is revered as hollowed ground. But WTC is a brilliant organization. They will know when to pull the plug.

BTW...three run "loops" from great marsh park sounds like six out and backs on the Eagleman run course. Enjoy.
Last edited by: sinkinswimmer: Apr 26, 14 6:59

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  • Post edited by sinkinswimmer (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 26, 14 6:59