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Re: Salty Sweater Myth [Spoke]
Noakes recommend "To thirst". When individuals drink ad libitum they tend to consume 10-30ml / hr depending on individual variance, conditions, intensity etc.
ACSM recommendation is 20 to 40ml / hr. Really not a revolutionary difference for Noakes. Although, he is correct that you do not need to carry gallons of water with you at a time.

"need" and "optimal" are very different things.
Your body couldn't care less if you run that 5k 10 seconds faster. It wants to avoid dying.
There is plenty of research out there indicating that just relying on our cravings is not enough and leads us to sub-optimal consumption. Both in terms of choices and amounts of food and drink.
We can never feel hungry, yet swishing carbohydrate in our mouth and spitting it out improves performance. Did we have to consume? Nope. Did we even need to ingest? Nope.

But that doesn't mean we can't optimize what we do.

Adam St. Pierre previous wrote a blog post about Waterlogged.

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The above poster has eschewed traditional employment and is currently undertaking the ill-conceived task of launching his own hardgoods company. Statements are not made on behalf of nor reflective of anything in any manner... unless they're good, then they count.
Last edited by: xtrpickels: Apr 24, 14 12:04

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  • Post edited by xtrpickels (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 24, 14 12:04