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Re: April Fishies [TriSliceRS]
1400 snorkel swim w/u
w/u set 10 x 50 at 70 percent on :10 rest
10 x 25 at 90 percent on :20 rest
100 easy back
5 x (100 fast leaving on 1:10 base then 300 @ perceived 1:20 base). Apparently the goal was to fatigue like the beginning of an OW swim, then see how well I can adapt and settle in to a steady pace. Did first part ok, not so much on 2nd part! 1:05's followed by anywhere from 1:15's to 1:22's. And it felt like crap. Hope today is back to sprinty stuff.
400 super easy cool down back and free
Last edited by: tigerpaws: Apr 23, 14 4:21

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  • Post edited by tigerpaws (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 23, 14 4:21