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Re: Why are USAT AG Nationals in such a crummy location? [monty]
Those of us who live east of the Rockies know better than to waste our money going to Missouri.

And, since worlds are in Hawaii, very convenient to California, if I lived in California I might consider suffering through Missouri for the opportunity to race in Hawaii.

One other point....AG nationals was in Idaho for two years, were you complaining then about the race still not being close enough to California? Many east coast people went to Idaho those years, it was a fabulous venue and a great location.

I think your information is wrong about the race being in the east too often. I can't remember the last time nationals was in the east. We had Idaho for two years, Louisiana for two years, before that we had St. Joseph, Missouri, for two years, do you get the picture? Oh, now I remember, we had Columbia, Maryland in 1997, fabulous race director Rob Vigorito and a challenging course. So, east coast nationals once in 8 years. It's been in the middle of the country quite a bit, but certainly not on the east coast too often.

Last edited by: brokenspoke: Aug 13, 05 12:26

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  • Post edited by brokenspoke (Cloudburst Summit) on Aug 13, 05 12:26: just remembered Columbia 1997