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Re: NCAA Get Real? [steveperx]
You're saying that is nothing more than political correctness at work when Native American tribes ask schools to change their names which they find offensive.

If a school used a name that you personally found offensive would it be just PCness at work for you to as them to change it?

Like I said, you may not find the names offensive, you may not even find 'Steve Perkins is a fag" offensive, but you're not qualified to comment on team names and if they are offensive or not, because last time I checked nobody had named one after you.

Were Notre Dame being PC when they banned Stanford's band for making fun of Catholics? for having people dressed as priests simulating sex with people dressed as nuns? Is this part of the slippery slope you speak of?

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
Last edited by: MattinSF: Aug 12, 05 11:14

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  • Post edited by MattinSF (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 12, 05 11:14