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Re: Kona and Age Group Power [Bryancd]
1) You proved my point by filling in the details. No HR = Overbike. You have no real experience to think power is finicky. That is what all newbies to power think. Next time you are on a ride with a long time power meter user, quiz them and ask what power they "feel" they are riding at. I'd bet you a seasoned veteran will be within 90%, despite the measurement being "finicky". Can a PM drop out? Yes, but the aforementioned premise is your backup.
2) I only become evangelical about stuff that works. You can keep doing what you are doing with HR yes, but you'll never understand 90% of what everyone else with a PM is talking about until you get, use and understand yours. I am by far not the only one, you know that. Part of me thinks you are clinging on to the "old school" method because you get good results despite and you wear that as sort of a badge of honor. I think you do too, but I remain unimpressed with your runs off the bike. I think you can fly and demolish more dudes if you can run 7:15's and 7:30's. Be honest, there is nothing sexy about limping in "running" in the 8 min territory. Without a strong pace at the end of IM, you can't race anyone. You are just trying to finish.
3) Sounds like you are always looking in the rear view mirror with HR. Does any part of you find it appealing to set a goal to increase your bike power 5% this winter? You'll have to explain to me more how you approach your development during the offseason using HR, as I just don't understand it.
4) Did you mean "deterioration" or "domination"? You said you were running a lot faster back in "09 and '11 so I'm confused. Just so you know, I was too and so was the rest of your AG competition. Fact of Life that we don't need to dwell on. My point still stands that your open times don't match well with your tri times, at least not what I'd expect from a top guy.
5) I know you love this shit, so do I. That is why you need to pull 7-8 g's out of your fist and get on the bandwagon so we'll have something real to talk about. I'd pay more attention to what you say if you actually had and used a PM instead of just presuming things and giving ill-informed advice based on HR pacing and a nascent understanding of the device. The state of the art is moving away from you (even if it is right or wrong, it just is). I know your OCD want to ride at 14x, but once schooled with the PM feedback, it is very easy to tune into 200-215 watts and hold. Hell, you can even have your HR as a backup! There is a bright idea!
Last edited by: Russ Brandt: Oct 23, 13 10:47

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  • Post edited by Russ Brandt (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 23, 13 10:47